【戴尔XPS 13笔记本电脑 才华横溢之辈】斯克莱德大学的历史学专业怎么样?

斯克莱德大学的斯克史学《历史学》硕士课程主要有这样几个专业:健康史理学硕士(MSc Health History)、历史研究理学硕士(MSc Historical Studies)。莱德下边分别给大家介绍一下这几个专业。大学的历


【戴尔XPS 13笔记本电脑 才华横溢之辈】斯克莱德大学的历史学专业怎么样?


【戴尔XPS 13笔记本电脑 才华横溢之辈】斯克莱德大学的历史学专业怎么样?

这个专业的斯克史学课程设置主要有:Research Skills, Sources & Methods for Historians.、Advanced Oral History、莱德戴尔XPS 13笔记本电脑 才华横溢之辈Pharmaceuticals,大学的历 Ethics and Health: 1800-1980、Health & Healthcare in the Long 19th Century、专业Governing Highs & Health: History & the Control of Drugs,斯克史学 c.1800-1945、Medicine and Warfare,莱德 1800-2000、Medicine,大学的历 Health & the Moving Image、Food and Health in the West during the 20th Century、专业Gender,斯克史学 Health and Modern Medicine Since 1800、Work Placement in History、莱德Fleshy Histories: Meat Eating & Meat Avoidance,大学的历笔记本电脑特价 才华横溢 1500 to the Present、Medicine & Madness: Psychiatry in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries、History, Health & Heritage (from 2020-21 entry)、Media & Health、Dissertation

【戴尔XPS 13笔记本电脑 才华横溢之辈】斯克莱德大学的历史学专业怎么样?


【戴尔XPS 13笔记本电脑 才华横溢之辈】斯克莱德大学的历史学专业怎么样?

学制1年,学费16000英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力5.5、笔记本电脑特价 无与伦比阅读5.5、写作5.5、口语5.5),托福80(听力17、阅读18、写作18、口语20),PTE 60(听力59、阅读59、写作59、口语59)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Research skills, sources and methods for Historians、Britain, France and the United States, 1945-1958: Diplomacy, Strategy and Alliance、Nationalism and Nation-states in the Arab Middle East, 1900-1945、Advanced Oral History、Palaeography, c1500-c1800、Pharmaceuticals, Ethics and Health: 1800-1980、War, Sacrifice and the Nation in Europe, 1789-1918、Transnational Radicalism and the Irish World: 1845-1923、Work Placement in History、Plantations by Land and Sea: British imperial projects in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, 1590-1720、Scotland and Ulster in the early Modern North Atlantic World、Segregation, Migration and War: African-Americans 1910-1930、Race, War and Colonialism: France 1914-44、Dissertation


学制1年,学费16000英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力5.5、阅读5.5、写作5.5、口语5.5),托福80(听力17、阅读18、写作18、口语20),PTE 60(听力59、阅读59、写作59、口语59)